Gambling Luck
Lucky Gambler's Charms and Lucky Gambling Spells
Lucky charms such as Voodoo dolls, rabbit feet, and other objects have been used for hundreds of years by people looking to get lucky in love, business, or most often, when gambling. Whether you’re playing online at Internet gambling, going to a casino, or playing bingo, craps, or picking lotto numbers, you will naturally seek any and all means at your disposal to increase your odds at winning. Hoodoo, in particular, has a whole host of products and magickal works geared towards winning games of chance. Some of the kinds of lucky objects that have been historically used in folk magic for money, luck and success can be found below.
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Order these Gambling Luck Oils, Colognes and Rubs
ABUNDANCE CONJURE OIL. Powerful magickal ingredients makes this oil an exceptional potion for obtaining abundance in all areas of your life, whether you wish to increase love, luck, success or money.
ALGIERS FAST LUCK. Used to attract money, better business, good luck, love, and the better things of life, and to remove negativity and clear away obstacles. ATTRACTION (ATRAYENTE) OIL. A powerful love, luck, money, and success drawing oil alleged to conjure love, sex, passion and luck in relationships. BLACK CAT CONJURE OIL. This is a powerful conjure oil that is a favorite among gamblers. CUSTOM SPIRITUAL OIL. Do you need a special conjure oil you do not see listed on the site? My personal Apothecary Formula Book contains hundreds of formulas that I am able to make at a moment's notice. CAMELLIA OIL. In New Orleans Hoodoo formularies, Camellia Conjure Oil is considered to be the mother of all money oils. FAST LUCK & MONEY-DRAWING PRODUCTS. Find products made with the infamous Algiers Fast Luck formula and other products designed to draw money and prosperity. HAITIAN GAMBLER OIL. Gamblers are also known to use this oil before gambling by anointing their money, wallets, and good luck charms. HAS NO HANNAH CONJURE OIL. Gamblers are also known to use this oil before gambling by anointing their money, wallets, and good luck charms. HIGH JOHN DA CONQUEROR CONJURE OIL. It is considered by rootworkers the most powerful and significant root of all and often used in commanding works, uncrossing, money, gambling, and drawing luck and success all areas of life. LUCK DROPS. Bring good luck and fortune into your life with Voodoo Mama's Luck Drops (Gotas de Suerte). This Conjure Oil is based on an old-fashioned New Orleans formula that can be traced back to the 1930s. LUCKY DAWG CONJURE OIL. Voodoo Mama’s Lucky Dawg Conjure Oil is based on the notorious New Orleans charm for bringing good luck to gamblers in games of chance. Traditionally used for dog races, Lucky Dawg has also been used for horse races, card games, dice, ending a streak of bad luck, and bringing about good luck in general. LUCKY HAND RUB. Voodoo Mama's Lucky Hand Rub is great for priming your hands for success in all things, ESPECIALLY PRIOR TO GAMBLING. RED FAST LUCK CONJURE OIL. According to folklore, this oil is for the individual who is in need of attracting money, better business, good luck, love, and the better things of life, and to remove negativity and clear away obstacles in a hurry. |
Order these Gambling Luck Candles
BLACK CAT FIXED CONJURE CANDLE. Whether you need gambling luck, to draw money, to compel the opposite sex to strongly desire you, or to break jinxes and hexes, Voodoo Mama's Lucky Black Cat Fixed 7-Day Conjure Candle can help you achieve the goals of those who believe.
LEPRECHAUN'S GOLD FIXED CONJURE CANDLE. Associated with treasure, pots of gold, rainbows, trickery and tom-foolery, leprachauns are best known for their ability to grant wishes and bring good luck. LODESTONE FIXED CONJURE CANDLE. the magnetic influence of this stone was supposed to attract power, favors and gifts, including money. LOUISIANA VAN VAN FIXED CONJURE CANDLE. Van Van is a multipurpose formula that is used for uncrossing crossed conditions, clearing negativity, drawing love and romance, changing bad luck to good, removing obstacles, and drawing luck and success in employment and business. LUCKY DAWG FIXED CONJURE CANDLE. Voodoo Mama’s Lucky Dawg Conjure Candles are based on the notorious New Orleans charm for bringing good luck to gamblers in games of chance. LUCKY FLAME FIXED CONJURE CANDLE. Lucky Flame Fixed Conjure Candles for prosperity (prosperidad), good luck (buena suerte), peace in the home (paz en el hogar), good luck in love (suerte en amor), success (successo), and money (dinero). LUCKY LOTTERY FIXED CONJURE CANDLE. According to folklore, Lucky Lottery Candles are for folks who enjoy living the fast life and playing games of chance. MANMAN BRIGIT FIXED CONJURE CANDLE. Manman Brigit Conjure Candle is a candle of devotion and bears the ritual symbol (veve) for the Voudou Mother of Cemeteries, money, death, children, and the Ancestors. MARIE LAVEAU FIXED CONJURE CANDLE. Marie Laveau can be petitioned for any purpose: money, health, blessings, uncrossing, court cases, fidelity, or revenge. MONEY-DRAWING FIXED CONJURE CANDLE. Voodoo Mama's Fixed Money-Drawing Conjure Candles are perfect for situations where you need to improve your financial situation, increase the flow of money and abundance in your life. SEAL OF FORTUNE FIXED CONJURE CANDLE. Use when you are seeking a great deal of money and fortune. ST. EXPEDITE FIXED CONJURE CANDLE FOR PROSPERITY. For all matters of finances, making money, getting a job, paying bills, fixing credit and more. |
Free Money and Prosperity Spells!
Order these Money Drawing and Prosperity Candle Fixin' Blends
ALGIERS FAST LUCK CANDLE FIXIN' BLEND. Used to attract money, better business, good luck, love, the finer things in life, to remove negativity, and to clear away obstacles
HORN OF PLENTY CANDLE FIXIN' BLEND. The Horn of Plenty or Cornucopia is a symbol of abundance, nourishment, and agricultural, mineral, and spiritual wealth.
LOUISIANA VAN VAN CANDLE FIXIN' BLEND. Voodoo Mama's Louisiana Van Van Candle Fixin' Blend is a general all-purpose herbal blend used in New Orleans Voodoo and Southern conjure to change your luck for the good, feed any mojo or gris gris bag, consecrate your altar, and do general spiritual cleansing.
MASTER KEY CANDLE FIXIN' BLEND. THE MASTER KEY opens all locks placed before it, unlocks the Secret Chamber of Success and is the secret to mastering supernatural power.
MONEY-DRAWING CANDLE FIXIN' BLEND. In folk magic traditions, Money-drawing formulas are used to draw money to you, including money from unexpected sources like refunds and rebates, unexpected checks, raises in wages and more!
STEADY WORK CANDLE FIXIN' BLEND. Steady Work is a class of conjure designed to ensure employment or work at a fair wage with decent hours and benefits that will definitely continue over a long period of time, without danger of lay-offs or termination.
MARIE LAVEAU CANDLE FIXIN' BLEND. An all-purpose herbal blend quite suited for money matters.
ST. EXPEDITE CANDLE FIXIN' BLEND. Fix candles, dress job applications, seals, court papers, petitions, amulets, and talismans, add to mojo bags and gris gris, and to fix and stuff doll babies.
HORN OF PLENTY CANDLE FIXIN' BLEND. The Horn of Plenty or Cornucopia is a symbol of abundance, nourishment, and agricultural, mineral, and spiritual wealth.
LOUISIANA VAN VAN CANDLE FIXIN' BLEND. Voodoo Mama's Louisiana Van Van Candle Fixin' Blend is a general all-purpose herbal blend used in New Orleans Voodoo and Southern conjure to change your luck for the good, feed any mojo or gris gris bag, consecrate your altar, and do general spiritual cleansing.
MASTER KEY CANDLE FIXIN' BLEND. THE MASTER KEY opens all locks placed before it, unlocks the Secret Chamber of Success and is the secret to mastering supernatural power.
MONEY-DRAWING CANDLE FIXIN' BLEND. In folk magic traditions, Money-drawing formulas are used to draw money to you, including money from unexpected sources like refunds and rebates, unexpected checks, raises in wages and more!
STEADY WORK CANDLE FIXIN' BLEND. Steady Work is a class of conjure designed to ensure employment or work at a fair wage with decent hours and benefits that will definitely continue over a long period of time, without danger of lay-offs or termination.
MARIE LAVEAU CANDLE FIXIN' BLEND. An all-purpose herbal blend quite suited for money matters.
ST. EXPEDITE CANDLE FIXIN' BLEND. Fix candles, dress job applications, seals, court papers, petitions, amulets, and talismans, add to mojo bags and gris gris, and to fix and stuff doll babies.
Order these Gambling Luck Curios and Curiosities
BUCKEYE NUTS. In Hoodoo, buckeye nuts are considered to be potent good luck charms. It is believed that carrying a buckeye in one's pocket will bring good luck and increase pocket money. LODESTONES. Lodestones are truly ANCIENT, desired as POWERFUL AMULETS for their perceived ability to attract luck, love, money and the good things in life. LODESTONE PAIR WITH SEAL OF SOLOMON. These lucky magnetic lodestones come to you in a hand-sewn red flannel bag, along with a small amount of magnetic sand and the talismanic Seal of Solomon as seen in the 6th and 7th Book of Moses. LOUISIANA LUCKY GREEN RICE. Lucky green rice is used to attract luck and prosperity. SHREDDED MONEY. Real shredded money is a great curio to add to money drawing mojos and powders, stuffed in doll babies and to roll candles in for spell work, or simply kept on money-drawing and prosperity altars. LUCKY BUDDHA BOTTLE. For your happiness, success, and fortune. ST. JOSEPH STATUE. For selling your home, renting an apartment, success in real estate, maintining a happy home and good employment. |
Order these Gambling Luck Dirts and Dusts
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Order these Gambling Luck Dolls
BAYOU SWAMP JU JU DOLL. For good luck and protection.
BLACK CAT CHARM DOLL. For good luck with money and gambling and protection of the home and finances. Black cats are viewed as good luck in hoodoo, particularly regarding gambling matters, such as playing cards or the lottery.
BLACK CAT JU JU DOLL. For good luck with money and gambling and protection of the home and finances. Black cats are viewed as good luck in hoodoo, particularly regarding gambling matters, such as playing cards or the lottery.
DOUBLE LUCK CONJURE DOLL. This Double Luck Conjure Doll is a unique doll that fulfills two purposes at once: the green side is for drawing good luck, wealth and abundance and the red side is for drawing love.
GREEN NEW ORLEANS VOODOO MOSS DOLL. Purchase a Green New Orleans Voodoo Moss Doll for the purpose of money, drawing, wealth, prosperity, success, employment, and gambling.
GREEN POPPET. For money, getting a job or gambling luck.
WEALTHY WAY CONJURE DOLL. For those seeking a life of luxury and ease, the Wealthy Way Conjure Doll is the ticket.
BLACK CAT CHARM DOLL. For good luck with money and gambling and protection of the home and finances. Black cats are viewed as good luck in hoodoo, particularly regarding gambling matters, such as playing cards or the lottery.
BLACK CAT JU JU DOLL. For good luck with money and gambling and protection of the home and finances. Black cats are viewed as good luck in hoodoo, particularly regarding gambling matters, such as playing cards or the lottery.
DOUBLE LUCK CONJURE DOLL. This Double Luck Conjure Doll is a unique doll that fulfills two purposes at once: the green side is for drawing good luck, wealth and abundance and the red side is for drawing love.
GREEN NEW ORLEANS VOODOO MOSS DOLL. Purchase a Green New Orleans Voodoo Moss Doll for the purpose of money, drawing, wealth, prosperity, success, employment, and gambling.
GREEN POPPET. For money, getting a job or gambling luck.
WEALTHY WAY CONJURE DOLL. For those seeking a life of luxury and ease, the Wealthy Way Conjure Doll is the ticket.
Order these Gambling Luck Gris Gris
CHICKEN MAN STYLE GRIS GRIS FOR GAMBLING. The bag contains money and prosperity drawing ingredients while the chicken foot is tied to it to protect your assets, both what you have currently and what you will have.
CROWN OF SUCCESS GRIS GRIS. When advancement in one's career or education is desired and when success in all worldly affairs is the goal.
CUSTOM MADE MARIE LAVEAU GRIS GRIS JAR. A wonderful gris gris jar custom-made for your specific need.
CUSTOM NEW ORLEANS GRIS GRIS BAG WITH CONJURE OIL. or that special situation where you need something custom made specifically for you, I will create the perfect gris gris to handle any situation and choose the appropriate conjure oil to complement the gris gris.
HIGH JOHN THE CONQUEROR GRIS GRIS. Probably the most famous of all roots used in New Orleans hoodoo is High John the Conqueror. It is considered most powerful and often used in commanding works and uncrossing, and drawing luck and success in any area of your life.
ST. EXPEDITE DOUBLE ACTION GRIS GRIS. Green signifies prosperity and luck while red signifies speed with a Mercurial power boost.
SEAL OF FORTUNE GRIS GRIS. This Seal of Fortune Gris Gris bag is create with custom designed fabric and filled with all of the most powerful ingredients for drawing success and fortune.
CROWN OF SUCCESS GRIS GRIS. When advancement in one's career or education is desired and when success in all worldly affairs is the goal.
CUSTOM MADE MARIE LAVEAU GRIS GRIS JAR. A wonderful gris gris jar custom-made for your specific need.
CUSTOM NEW ORLEANS GRIS GRIS BAG WITH CONJURE OIL. or that special situation where you need something custom made specifically for you, I will create the perfect gris gris to handle any situation and choose the appropriate conjure oil to complement the gris gris.
HIGH JOHN THE CONQUEROR GRIS GRIS. Probably the most famous of all roots used in New Orleans hoodoo is High John the Conqueror. It is considered most powerful and often used in commanding works and uncrossing, and drawing luck and success in any area of your life.
ST. EXPEDITE DOUBLE ACTION GRIS GRIS. Green signifies prosperity and luck while red signifies speed with a Mercurial power boost.
SEAL OF FORTUNE GRIS GRIS. This Seal of Fortune Gris Gris bag is create with custom designed fabric and filled with all of the most powerful ingredients for drawing success and fortune.
Order these Gambling Luck Sachet Powders
CROWN OF SUCCESS SACHET POWDER. Used in Southern folk traditions when advancement in one's career or education is desired and when success in all worldly affairs is the goal.
LUCKY DAWG. Based on the notorious New Orleans Lucky Dog charm for bringing good luck to gamblers in games of chance, as well as extreme success in all endeavors
LUCKY DAWG. Based on the notorious New Orleans Lucky Dog charm for bringing good luck to gamblers in games of chance, as well as extreme success in all endeavors
Order these Gambling Luck Spell Kits
CUSTOM BOTTLE SPELL. Order the bottle spell, and I will put together the most powerful and effective container filled with the best herbs, roots, curios and other ingredients suited for you needs, All you have to do is follow the instructions that come with it and watch your desires manifest.
CUSTOM MADE MARIE LAVEAU GRIS GRIS JAR. A wonderful gris gris jar custom-made for your specific need.
FAST LUCK CONTAINER SPELL. This container spell is a medicine bottle that you fill with a variety of money and luck drawing qualities consistent with the Algiers Fast Luck formula.
MONEY-DRAWING SPELL KIT. Put together for your convenience, Voodoo Mama's powerful Money Spell Kits will help energize your finances.
CUSTOM MADE MARIE LAVEAU GRIS GRIS JAR. A wonderful gris gris jar custom-made for your specific need.
FAST LUCK CONTAINER SPELL. This container spell is a medicine bottle that you fill with a variety of money and luck drawing qualities consistent with the Algiers Fast Luck formula.
MONEY-DRAWING SPELL KIT. Put together for your convenience, Voodoo Mama's powerful Money Spell Kits will help energize your finances.
Order these Gambling Luck Spiritual Baths
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