Gris Gris, Conjure Hands, and Tobies
"The gregories bee things of great esteem amongst them, for the most part they are made of leather of severall fashions, wonderous neatly, they are hollow, and within them is placed, and sowed up close, certaine writings, or spels which they receive from their Mary-buckes, whereof they conceive such a religious respect, that they do confidently believe no hurt can betide them whilst these gregories are about them." ~ Richard Jobson, 1623
Gris Gris Collection
Marie Laveaux Gris Gris Jar
Custom New Orleans Gris Gris Bag with Conjure Oil
Crown of Success Gris Gris
Evil Eye Protection Gris Gris
High John the Conqueror Gris Gris
Lavender Lust Gris Gris
Love and Attraction Gris Gris
Marie Laveau Deluxe Gris Gris Kit
Toby, Choose your Purpose
Voodoo Mama's Road Opener Gris Gris
Gift Card
$10.00 - $500.00
$10.00 - $500.00
Money-Drawing Gris Gris Bag
Health and Healing Gris Gris