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- Devil's Claws (Proboscidea parviflora)
Devil's Claws (Proboscidea parviflora)
Scientific name: Proboscidea parviflora
Other Names: Doubleclaw, unicorn plant, Arizona Devil's claw, red devil's claw
Origin: North America
Form: Dried seed pod
Uses: Protection, attraction, exorcism
Magickal Associations: Mars, Fire
This fabulous curio is the dried seed pod of the Proboscidea parviflora plant, known as the Devil's Claw, Double Claw and Unicorn plant, names that reflect the appearance of the fruit in various stages of development. Devil's Claw and Double Claw describe how the fruit looks after it has dried and split open, while Unicorn plant refers to the fleshy green fruit prior to turning brown and drying. The plant itself is a low-growing desert plant known for its stunning orchid like flowers. It is equally known for being a nuisance plant to ranchers whose livestock get them stuck on their hooves causing ambulatory problems. It is this dynamic between creature and the hitchhiking pod that is the method of seed dispersal.
Devil's Claw has been utilized as a food source and material for making baskets by Native Americans of the Southwest. According to Native lore, the pods were to be avoided if one did not wish to conceive twins. Local artisans use them in craft projects such as dream catchers and hanging talismans.
Devil's Claw has several uses in folk magic when viewed from the perspective of the Doctrine of Signatures. The are believed to protect the home and to attract things with a tendency to hold on to what has been attracted. In addition, some folks use them in exorcism rituals to drive away evil spirits.
There are two Devil's Claws per box. Comes with an information sheet.